Anna M. Rappaport, F.S.A., M.A.A.A. founded Anna Rappaport Consulting in 2005 after retiring from Mercer. Anna is an actuary, consultant, author, and speaker, and is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the impact of change on retirement systems and workforce issues.  She is passionate about several important issues and is focused on making a difference.  Some of her major concerns in the last few years include:

  • Women’s retirement security with a particular concern about older women who are alone

  • Caregiving and support needed for older individuals

  • The impact of disability on retirement security where defined contribution plans are primary

  • Phased retirement, the need for later retirement ages and for better work options for older workers.  She is personally a phased retiree at this time

  • The need to adapt to a more heavily defined contribution world with better retirement planning and more personal knowledge.

  • The role of family in retirement systems. 

Anna has won several prizes and awards.  Most recently, she was awarded the  Lilywhite Award from the Employee Benefit Research Institute(EBRI) and a Lifetime Achievement Ward by the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) in 2017.  She was selected for a Society of Actuaries President’s Award in 2014.  Among her writings is a regular column titled “Perspectives from Anna” published in the Society of Actuaries Pension Section News.  She is also a contributor to The Conference Board’s Human Resources Exchange, the Pension Research Council’s blog and a frequent author for Benefits Quarterly and Benefits Magazine.  

Anna is a phased retiree.  She retired from Mercer after 28 years with the firm at the end of 2004.  She formed Anna Rappaport Consulting at that time.  She is also an Urban Sketcher and painter.

Anna is a past- President of the Society of Actuaries and chairs its Aging and Retirement Steering Committee and its Committee on Post-Retirement Needs and Risks.  Anna serves on the Board of the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), and the Advisory Board of the Pension Research Council. Anna formed Anna Rappaport Consulting in 2005 after retiring from Mercer at the end of 2004 after 28 years with the firm.  Anna served on the ERISA Advisory Council from 2010 to 2012. She previously served on the NASI Board and as Membership Committee chair.  Anna is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.   Anna has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.  Anna completed 50 years as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 2013.



What I am covering:

  • Discussion of Society of Actuaries research with Americans age 85 and over.
  • Research focuses on the help they need, the role of family, their finances and long-term care.
  • Research provides more understanding about how average people manage their finances during retirement and about what changes during retirement.

Why I am interested:

Society of Actuaries research has shown many retired households are resilient and able to manage and adapt their life to fit their resources, but when there is a major  long-term care event needing paid care, this is no longer true.  The research has also shown that family is often involved and called in to help when there is a problem, but there is little planning for such help and not much planning for long-term care.  People badly need help in managing support, understanding resources and making life choices.  COVID-19 makes these needs more important.  This course offers advisors the chance to learn the landscape and get started on a route of being able to help clients do much more to manage their lives when they need support and to help other family members.  I hope many people take the course, and that they teach others.