Carroll Golden is a forward-thinking organizational consultant in the healthcare and insurance marketplace and is recognized by industry peers for her contributions in the extended and long-term care insurance (LTCI) field. She is a frequent speaker and noted author across numerous professional benefits and financial services organizations. Her responsibilities have spanned formulation of strategic sales plans, product development, innovative, and traditional marketing initiatives. Recently, she appeared on a local TV station to discuss the changing face of extended and long term care consumer options. Carroll served as a Chapter President of Society of Financial Service Professionals (SFSP) and taught continuing education (CE) classes. Additionally, she served as Chairperson for the Society of Actuaries Fifth LTC Conference and for the Tenth Annual Intercompany LTCI Conference. Carroll is President of C. Golden Consulting, LLC and is currently the Executive Director of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) Limited and Extended Care Planning Center (LECP Center). Carroll participates as a speaker and presenter for the International Retirement Resource Center.
What I am covering:
How to approach the topic of extended or long term care and integrate it into client conversations and planning
Story telling is telling!
Expanding options for handling the risk
What I am covering:
As COVID-19 has showed us, sometimes care needs evolve slowly and at other times, it’s sudden and unexpected. Many clients and some advisors have somewhat limited or outdated information on the options for funding the risk of long term or extended care. We will review how care needs often lead to family needs so best to become a Generational Advisor. We will review the options for both insurable and uninsurable clients, whether they are wealthy, middle-income and lower income clients.