Paul Malley joined Aging with Dignity in 1998 and was named its President in 2002. In addition to directing Aging with Dignity’s day-to-day activities, Malley also has guided the efforts of several aging advocacy groups to improve policy on advance care planning and patient rights. Malley makes regular presentations at health and palliative care conferences, and has testified before state and federal legislative bodies in favor of patient-friendly policies. He has travelled to Canada and Australia to present at international conferences on improving end of life care. Malley holds a Master of Arts in Communications degree from Florida State University.
What I’m covering:
- The critical value and role of Advance Care Planning
- How to effectively and appropriately include Advance Care Planning in client services
- Increasing trust, referrals, and lead-generation by addressing Advance Care Planning
Why I’m interested:
Throughout my 20 years at Aging with Dignity, and in working with the Five Wishes program specifically, I’ve seen how important it is for families to have a plan in place before a serious health crisis. Without some guidance, we’re left to guess what our loved one would have wanted. But talking about life-support treatment, healthcare powers of attorney, and caregiving can be difficult. That’s why we created Five Wishes as a simple tool for individuals and families. We are now happy to partner with many financial planners who incorporate Five Wishes into client services. I enjoy sharing practical and useful tips on how to make these discussions easier and more effective.