Can We Talk? is a comprehensive, practical guide that guides baby boomers through the process of helping their elderly parents get their financial lives in order. Talking to your aging parents about all the financial issues that affect them is often very risky and difficult to do. Can We Talk? gives adult children a practical and empathetic approach to working with their parents to discuss and plan for all the financial decisions they will face.

Can We Talk? will give you the tools you need to put your aging parents at ease and give you the peace of mind to know that they are taken care of.

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Passing the Torch is a comprehensive, practical guide that leads you through the process of getting your financial life in order and communicating your wishes, desires, and concerns to your adult children. It will give you the tools to develop a strong partnership with your children to make the critical decisions that will dramatically affect your life and their’s as you get older.

Talking to your adult children about all the issues that you will face as you age is often very difficult to do. The book lays out the steps to prepare and hold a family meeting to open up the lines of communication. It addresses such critical areas as legal issues that can impact the family, end of life planning, health care planning and passing on a legacy to the next generation.

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You, as a financial advisor, are about to enter the perfect storm. Several factors are lining up to make the next ten years the most challenging years that you will ever face in your practice.

In 2009 Fidelity surveyed 350 advisors. More than 84% indicated that they had been touched by someone in their client base who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease. Despite their experience with the disease, more than 96% of the advisors did not feel that they were prepared to assist clients with Alzheimer’s. And things have not changed since that survey. Very few firms have stepped forward with specific guidelines for their advisors to deal with diminished capacity.

You may have already had to deal with a client with diminished capacity. But most likely you do not have a standard protocol to deal with this client. As a result, you play it by ear. This is like holding a ticking time bomb. Sooner or later it is going to go off, and a client or client’s family will go after you for handling their account improperly.

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If you are facing the challenge of having to make decisions on issues like long-term care and end-of-life concerns for your elderly parents, you are not alone. Caring For Your Elderly Parents offers insightful advice and support to the ever-growing population of Americans, now at 65 million people, or 29% of the U.S. population, who provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend.

This resource covers how we can help our parents - and ultimately ourselves - plan for housing, healthcare, and financial security. The book covers pertinent issues facing baby boomers who can easily be overwhelmed by handing their aging loved one's affairs.

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“With the aging of the U.S. population, financial exploitation is a serious and growing problem, and protecting senior investors remains a top priority for FINRA,”

Robert L.D. Colby, FINRA’s Chief Legal Officer.

Click here to download this brochure for more information.